Thursday, October 29, 2015


Today the girls had a day off of school and we babysat the twins and the other little guy I watch every other day.  To say that I'm glad it's bedtime and tomorrow is a new day is a HUGE understatement.  It was a H.A.R.D. day.  The little guy was super fussy today and cried a good part of the day.  Not only were my nerves shot, it was also wearing on the kids, especially Madi.  She does her best to help out with him and did manage to get him to laugh a bit.  The twins love Gracie but she tends to get all the little ones very wound up.  When I have days like today, all I want to do is talk to my mom and have her hug me which made it all seem so much worse because I can't. 
I'd been saving these boxes for quite sometime because Sarah and I had talked about doing this with the kids.  Desperate times call for desperate measures and I had to use them today because we were in desperate need of something to occupy everyone for a while.  The boxes were from my mom's pleurx kits; the bottles we used to drain the fluid from her lungs daily.  She knew I was saving them and what our plan was to use them for.  Not long before she died, she asked me if I had enough boxes for all the kids yet.  I didn't think much of it at the time, but I think it was another thing she wanted to make sure was "done" before she could go.  These boxes provided me with a few minutes of sanity today.  She's still taking care of me and her precious grandbabies. 
The kids worked diligently to decorate their "cars" before the movie.  We used stickers and crayons.  Grace made hers into an airplane, Wyatt's was a fire truck (he later pushed it all around wearing his fireman hat, making siren noises), and Madi drew a windshield on hers with her and our dog, Bear, looking through.  Little Hannah spent lots of time on her box and then filled it with a bunch of crayons.  They all gathered their blankets after lunch and I made popcorn and got them all a drink.  They were very content watching "Spooky Buddies" for quite a while.  Thanks mom:)


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