Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

Another Halloween come and gone:(  We love Halloween and always manage to get a lot of use out of our costumes and fit in as many of the fun activities that go with Halloween throughout the month.  It was a rainy day here today but the kids were troopers and, as usual, made a haul.  Usually my mom hands out candy at our house while we go out trick-or-treating with the kids, so this year my sister took over for her.  She was dearly missed.  My dad has not been home for Halloween for many years so we were happy to have him home this year and to have him trick-or-treat with us.  I have so many fond memories of him taking us all around town as kids.  After trick-or-treating we went back to our house for a taco/nacho bar and the kids ate too much candy.  Thank goodness for an extra hour of sleep tonight;)  Happy Halloween!

 Excited to get candy from the firemen and the EMTs!

 Holding hands
 The kid's loot!  It all goes together so there's no fighting:)...and nobody knows whose candy mom and dad ate:)
More hand holding and Papa giving Hattie a hand

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you continue with your Halloween Traditions with Trick or Treating with Papa this year too! Very clever reasoning to put all the candy haul in one jar and love the reason that they won't know how much candy "is stolen" from Mom and Dad! I've been thinking of your Mom all day. She did love Halloween and bringing the candy from their house to the children of your house. Looks like Kaci did a great job handing out candy but I'm sure she missed the Trick or Treating with 5 adorable little Tricksters!