Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Birthday Party and Beautiful Fall Colors

Saturday we drove up to Iron Mt., MI to celebrate my nephew's 3rd birthday.  We took the scenic route and saw some gorgeous fall colors along the way.  It was a beautiful day and the kids had so much fun.  Happy 3rd Birthday Jack David, so happy we could celebrate with you!
 This sign made me laugh:)
 The pictures just do not do the colors justice. 
 The fact that they're all taken through the car window doesn't help either, but you get the idea!

 Pretty Reed girls
 My boys
 Thanks for the ride Uncle Paul
 The City Park has an enclosure with some beautiful deer.  This albino deer was cool to see. 
 The kind of buck all our guys dream of bringing home!  They'll just have to look at this big guy:)
 The girls feeding the deer carrots. 
 Pretty little doe
 Cute little chipmunk
 This boy loves sticks.  All boy.  All the time. 
 Piggy back rides for everyone!

 Jack blowing out his candle.  The wind didn't want to cooperate with lighting the candles. 
 So pretty. 
 The kids doing some great posing:)

 Grace and Callie were two peas in a pod!
 The higher the better. 
A smile from the birthday boy:)

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