Thursday, October 15, 2015

2015 Family Pictures

We had our family pictures taken on September 19th.  Since Dave & I celebrated our 10th Anniversary this year, we decided to have them taken at Pamperin Park where we had our wedding reception and some of our wedding party photos taken.  It was a beautiful day but SO busy at the park.  There were 4 different weddings there trying to get pictures, kids getting senior pictures, and other families getting their family pictures taken.  It was crazy!  Our photographer got some great shots and I am so happy with them (even though my kids were less than cooperative at times).  I love that the pictures are real; they're not perfect, the kids are goofing off, and you can really see their personalities (and maybe the progression of them completely losing interest!).  We have 150 images to chose from; I have no idea how I'm going to decide what to print!


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