Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cousin Halloween Party Fun

Today we had lots of fun with the Reed cousins! They came down to stay with us for the day while their mom and dad enjoyed the Packer game (and win!).  We sure managed to fit in a lot of fun in a short amount of time. 
 We started out with a spooky lunch.  These jello hands were a hit! 

 The kids made their own Jack-O-Lantern or Mummy pizzas. 

 We had some "Goosebumps" punch and boy was it a hit:)  I think Jack liked it! (lemon lime soda, green food coloring, rainbow sorbet, and gummy worms)

 Waiting patiently for their pizza creations, pretending to be chefs!
 Mmmmm, pizza!
 Uncle David doing his part to keep the crown under control...
 Cutting our jello hands

 Uncle Dave walked to the park with all the kids and let me clean up from lunch and get ready for more fun at the house. 
 Cousins on the slide
I was hiding "eye balls" (literally-balls that looked like eyes) around the house for them to find. 
 They all waiting on my bed. 
 Then we really got down to business with some pumpkin painting. 

 I just love this picture of Wyatt...carefully contemplating his next stroke of the paintbrush. 
 I didn't have green paint so they made their own by mixing colors. 

 Wyatt decided the pumpkin had enough paint and took the brush to his tummy instead. 
 They needed to re-fuel after all their playing at the park so Dilly bars were the perfect solution.

 I told Jack to smile and he kept giving me this face:)
 The kids took turns making each other into mummy's! 

 Callie was very good at this game!

 Jack didn't know what to think.
 And Wyatt...what a guy

 We finished off our evening with some dancing because what party would be complete without it?


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