Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Walk 2015

This morning we participated in the first Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Walk.   My hope  is that it was the first annual as it was a beautiful event.  To see so many other moms and families gathered who knew the same pain we experienced was truly heartwarming.   It was held at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary and there were over 500 people registered for an event that had initially hoped to register 50-100.  Such a wonderful way to memorialize our angels gone too soon.  Today we walked in loving memory of our own angel baby, my little brother, and my nieces/nephews; my sister-in-law, Laura, knows the pain of miscarriage much too well and my heart breaks for her. 
 "We walk for the steps our babies will never take." 
 Before the walk; it was a very chilly morning!
 Such a beautiful setting at the Wildlife Sanctuary
 They had sidewalk chalk for all the kids to draw and write messages along the paved trails.  They encouraged them to bring chalk along during the walk to fill the trails with drawings. 
 Gracie took her drawing very seriously and worked very hard.

 Madi creating an angel. 
 Daddy, "supervising,"  while enjoying his coffee. 
 I had to get a picture of this little girl's hat.  Her whole family was wearing them and they were just so cool.  They have the pink/blue pregnancy and infant loss ribbon on them.  So neat!
 Pretty angel someone else had drawn.
 Wyatt enjoyed playing before the walk started.  He kept finding sticks and was walking around giving other kids sticks too; I'm sure their parents were thrilled. 

 They had a small program before the walk started. 

 Everyone received bubbles and after the program we all blew them up to Heaven for our angels.  This was so cool to see.

 Wyatt blowing bubbles for his big brother/sister. 
 Daddy blowing bubbles for our baby. 
 They put signs along the walking trails with statistics and facts about pregnancy and infants loss. 

 Start of the walk.  Wyatt got a balloon from another family who had them in memory of their little angel boy. 

 We stopped along the trail to blow bubbles again. 
 Almost back to the nature center; the girls are running because there were cookies afterwards:)
 Butterfly cookies, fruit, veggies, sausage, cheese, and crackers.  So nice!
 Wyatt loved his cookie!
I thought this was so sweet.  The look on his face next to his balloon for another family's sweet angel, Tucker. 

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