Friday, October 30, 2015

Operation Christmas Child

This year I decided I'd like the kids to participate in Operation Christmas Child after learning about it throughout the year.  If you're interested in OCC, go to their website,  Initially, I thought I would have each of them pack a box for a child their same age.  As I went through all the little trinkets I already had collected, and kept finding more, our shoebox number kept growing.  Today we packed 10 shoeboxes!  We packed them with soap, toothbrushes, washcloths, flip flops, socks, books, toys, water bottles, Kleenex, chap stick, hair ties, etc. and explained to the kids that these boxes would be going to kids who didn't have any of these things.  OCC is such a great ministry.  We're planning to donate to print the labels that will allow us to track our boxes and see where they go.  There are many collection locations around the U.S. and collection week is November 16-23 so there's still time!


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