Sunday, March 17, 2013

Some call it lucky, we call it blessed & makeover madness

 Happy St. Patty's Day from our two little Leprechauns; they enjoyed green pancakes, eggs, and milk for breakfast today:)
  The little crazy Leprechaun, this is one wild kid lately! 
 We made this cute little treat for Madi's teacher; unfortunately, Madi stayed home sick on Friday but we made fresh cookies today and replaced the ones in it...Daddy doesn't mind the old ones:)
We also made these for our two cute little neighbor ladies.  We're not Irish but we'll use any excuse we can to make some fun holiday treats!
Makeover Madness at the Reed House!!!
 Here's Dave and my bedroom makeover!  I am in LOVE with it.  We still have a few little things to finish up but for the most part it's done.  We have a work in progress that will hang above our bed; my dad is helping me with part of it now. 
 From the other side of the room; hard to see with the glare from the sun, but my mom made our curtains for us; she is the best. 
 As you can see, this still needs a little work.  I need a frame for the picture on the top right and I also want to get some mini clothespins to hang pictures on the cute frame my brother put chicken wire in for me. 
 You can get a little better idea of the cute curtains here; those pictures are the "guest book" from our wedding.  Fun to look back at them all the time. 
 Just added this decal and magnetic strip to hang pictures, etc. on in Wyatt's room
 "TRUCK"  hangers; planning on hanging some cute little boy hats on it.  My mom is also woking on the curtains for his room:)
We also added these cute little removable stickes to Wyatt's dresser. 

Everything is coming together and we (as in Dave) are really getting alot done.  We've also added shelving to our linen closet.  I think for the moment I am out of projects for Dave to do:)

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