Sunday, March 24, 2013

25 Weeks and bedroom final touches

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: Not sure, I can't bring myself to go hop on the scale; I'm scared! 
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and more and more tops, my belly is starting to sitck out of the bottom of some of my shirts:)
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet, but the existing ones are more noticable and I feel like my belly is really stretching lately!
Sleep: Good minus Wyatt's 3-4:00am kicking.  Gracie has been sleeping in her bed too, hooray!!!  
Best moment this week: Hard to pick the best; it was a good week all around.  I have a potty trained little girl and she is sleeping in her own bed. 
Movement: Yes, lots at night when I lay down, early in the morning; he's moving enough now that you can actually see my stomach move. He moves ALOT until Grandma Hoverson tries to feel, then he stops:)   
Food cravings: Just eating too much in general!  
Gender: It's a boy!!!
Labor Signs: Nope, feeling good.
What I miss: My hands not falling asleep at night; it's really annoying.
What I am looking forward to: Having 3 days off this week!!!  Going to the dr. and getting another glimpse of our little man (we have to have another ultrasound because he didn't cooperate last time and let them get the pictures of his heart that they needed), Easter egg hunt at the zoo on Saturday with Dave's brother and his family, and of course Easter & making Easter dinner for my family on Sunday
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of cauliflower this week.
Milestones: Getting closer to the 3rd trimester, this pregnancy is going so fast!
This "R" is pretty close to the final touch on our bedroom.  I am so happy with how it turned out; just like the vision I had in my head when I bought the plain, black,  'R'.  Thanks to my brother, my mom, and Dave for helping create it! 

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