Wednesday, March 6, 2013

From the mouths of babes

Grace and I were out and about today and at both places we stopped, Grace, being the little fashionista she is, had comments about what two different guys were wearing.  I was mortified and hoped neither had heard her innocent little comments but did have to chuckle a little.  First, we were at the post office and there was a gentleman in front of us who was wearing pajama type pants and moccasin/slipper type shoes.  Grace points him out and says, "mommy, that man is wearing his pajamas."  Next we stopped at Dairy Queen to satisfy my cheese curd craving and a young, high school age, boy was standing at the soda machine.  He was wearing "skinny" jeans that were a reddish/mauve color.  Again, Grace pointed him out and said, "Mommy, that boy is wearing pink pants," then giggled.  I told Dave about it later and he was proud because he is a firm believer that boys should not wear skinny jeans and especially not colored ones...period.  Never a dull moment with this little girl:)

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