Sunday, March 31, 2013

26 Weeks

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: We might conveniently remove this question from now on:) 
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and most shirts. 
Stretch marks? I don't think there are any new ones yet but I'm sure there will be soon.
Sleep: Not great lately; I wake up really early and can't go back to sleep; usually between 3 &4.
Best moment this week: Another good week here; got to see little man again on Wednesday and they were able to get the pictures of his heart that they needed; said everything looks great.  We also had a very nice Easter weekend.  
Movement: Lots of movement at bedtime.  He moves more and more all the time which I love but DOES NOT like when I try to let anyone else feel him move and stops almost instantly (except for Daddy usually; he likes to kick dad when we get in bed at night).    
Food cravings: Soda; I know it's not good for me but I wanted a diet coke soooo bad, caffiene free of course. 
Gender: Still a boy!  He proudly showed off his boy parts again on Wednesday but of course covered his little face with his hands. 
Labor Signs: I'm not going to lie, I've been very uncomfortable for about the last week.  My pubic bone hurts soooo bad and makes me waddle soo bad sometimes.  It's like it really hurts after alot of walking/standing but then feels better when I am standing.  I know I probably need to have a little rest and relaxation but there's so much I want/need to get done! 
What I miss: Not having this pain:(
What I am looking forward to: Bed tonight; I am exhausted!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of a head of lettuce this week.
Milestones: I have my next dr. appointment on April 17th when I will do another glucose test and then we are switch to dr. visits every 2 WEEKS!!!  Time is flying now!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

What are you doing wearing heels you crazy pregnant woman?!?! haha you are looking good Lexie, I will be thinking and praying for you to get good sleep! :)