Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Blessings All Around

We had such a nice Easter weekend.  I took Good Friday off as I had a floating holiday that had to be used by April 1.  Dave met us at Good Friday mass and then we came home and did some cleaning/cooking for the weekend and Dave helped the girls dye Easter eggs (watching Grace and making sure she didn't spill the dye was a full-time job in itself!).  Saturday morning we met Dave's brother and his family at the zoo for breakfast and the big Easter egg hunt!  This kids had a great time; they have SOOOO much fun together.  We were all thankful my sister came along on our adventure; you can never have too many people watching out for 5 little ones!  We came back to our hosue in the afternoon for a late lunch and some cousin play time.  I think they were all super worn out; Grace went to bed shortly after 6pm on Saturday night!  We went to 8am mass this morning with my mom and sister and then everyone came to our house for Easter lunch.  We had dessert at my mom's house and did Easter baskets there.  It was just a really nice weekend.  Now if only I had Monday off to recover!  Here are a few pictures of all the action! 
 Daddy and his girls dying Easter eggs!
 Pretty Madisyn
 Crazy Grace
 Our cute Godson, Jack. 
 Sweet Goddaughter Callie; she LOVED the Easter egg lunch I made them.  She is such a good eater; Dave and I are jealous cause our kids are so picky!
 The Easter Bunny, Auntie Kaci, and Madi-Madisyn has a phobia of things in costumes so this was a big step for her;)
 Gracie practicing to be a big sister; she just LOVES Jack and wants to help so much!
Our two little pretties in their Easter Sunday best; they didn't want to stop for a picture. 

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