Sunday, March 10, 2013

23 Weeks and a sneak peek of little man's room!

How far along? 23 weeks 
Total weight gain: I'll say 12 lbs still but after all the pizza I ate today, I probably gained a few.  Three words for you...BBQ.  BRISKET.  PIZZA. 
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants and more and more tops, my belly is starting to sitck out of the bottom of some of my shirts:) 
Stretch marks? No new ones.....yet, but the existing ones are more noticable and I feel like my belly is really stretching lately!
Sleep: Last night was actually one of the better nights of sleep I've had in a long time.   
Best moment this week: Dave painting Wyatt's room, I LOVE it!!!
Movement: Yes, lots at night when I lay down, early in the morning, and if I lean against the counter at work.   
Food cravings: Cheese curds
Gender: It's a boy!!!
Labor Signs: Nope, feeling good.   
What I miss: My hands not falling asleep at night; it's really annoying. 
What I am looking forward to: Gettting some finishing touches for little man's room, putting up some stuff on his walls and moving onto our room next!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby is the size of a grapefruit this week and boy does it ever feel like it sometimes; he sits on the right side of my stomach and most of the times my belly is so lop-sided that it looks like there's a grapefruit on one side. 
Milestones: Over half way there!
 Here's a sneak peak of Wyatt's bedroom.  I am absolutely in LOVE with the color and how it turned out; Daddy did an awesome job.  On a side note, I have had this boy bedroom set for years and have been collecting things to go with it for years.  Can't wait to get it all finished!
Other side of his bedroom.
Oh, and some cute shamrock jello and shamrock sprinkle/chocolate chip cookies for Madi's lunch this St. Patty's Day week:)

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