Thursday, September 17, 2015

They Keep Me Going

I took three of my favorite little people to the park today.  As much as I'd like to do anything but get back to "life," these three keep me going everyday.  My mom gave everyone various instructions before she passed away.  One thing she told us was to make sure we were feeding and taking care of the kids, no matter how much we didn't feel like eating or taking care of ourselves.  Typical Grandma, worrying about her grandbabies. 

 Whoa Hannah!
Crazy H
 Do you know how hard it is to explain to a 2-year old where their Grandma is?  Yesterday I told him we were going to go see Papa.  He said, "see Grandma too?"  Not sure how to answer him, I said, "Do you miss Grandma?"  He told me yes then said, "my go church see Grandma."  He keeps asking to go to church to see Grandma because that's the last place he saw her.  Such a sweet, sweet boy. 
 Hattie has the wind blown hair look:)
 Curly Sue
 The three amigos
 Hattie girl

 They were parched, time for a water break. 
 Hannah was yelling at the other two, lol. 
 Dirty bum
 There are dirt hills at the park we went to for kids to ride bikes on.  Since there wasn't anyone riding bikes, the kids ran up and (slid) down the hills over and over.  They were filthy but they had fun.
 More dirty bums. 
If you look closely you can see a tiny white butterfly on the right side of the picture.  It kept circling Wyatt and he chased it around.  It upset my mom so much that she didn't get to run and play with these three little ones like she did with Madi and Grace.  I'm pretty sure Grandma was there playing today.

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