Monday, September 14, 2015

Labor Day Parade-Kaci's First Performance

On Labor Day we headed to Suring, where my sister is the new band/music teacher, to watch her band in the parade.  We are so proud of her.  We were able to record it for my mom and she cried tears of joy; she was so proud.  The kids had a great time at the parade and got SO.MUCH.CANDY. 
 Gracie and Hannah
 Wy man
 Wyatt got himself into a little trouble when he tried to steal one of the twins' chairs. 
 Hattie bug
 Here they come!
 Kaci's band

 Candy collecting pros
 This boy has my heart
 Hattie didn't appreciate the loud train whistle
 This gentleman was walking along handing out candy from his pail.  Wyatt didn't wait for him to hand it to him, he dove right in and picked his own. 
 The kids loved the Packer Minion
 We went to the small carnival after the parade and grabbed some lunch and let the kids got to go on a couple rides. 


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