Tuesday, September 29, 2015

First Outing With ALL.SIX.KIDS.

Today was the first time we ventured out (besides our walks home from school) with all my kids and my 3 extras.  The girls didn't have school due to teacher inservice.  We went to the zoo and it went pretty well.  It takes us forever to load and unload, but it was a gorgeous morning and everyone was pretty good.  Towards the end there were some tears, but three of them were out shortly after we got in the car.  We picked up pizza on our way home thanks to Uncle Doug & Auntie Sarah who treated us:)
 This couldn't be more true!

 Mr. Luke
 Monkeys watching monkeys.
 Oh that look!
 Some of our outtakes trying to get a picture of all the kids:)

Today I have lived 3 weeks without my mom.  I miss her so much.  Some days are ok and others aren't.  It hits me hardest in little moments when I see something or think of something I want to share with her.  I saw a sign for the Bay Beach craft show; we always went to that together.  Last week was the season premier of Nashville and we had talked about what would happen with Deacon.  I wanted to text her afterwards and ask her what she thought about the show but I couldn't.  I sewed a button on Grace's Halloween costume; a silly job she usually did for me because she was just that great.  I believe it is possible to have a broken heart because I feel a dull pain in mine everyday.  But, I've made it another day, another week, 3/4 of one whole month without her.  With her cancer, it was always one day at a time and that's all we can do now.  One foot in front of the other, one day at a time. 

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