Monday, September 28, 2015

Delzer's Pumpkin Farm

Although it didn't really feel like "pumpkin weather,"  Saturday was a BEAUTIFUL day to visit the pumpkin farm.  I can't believe we'd never been here before with it being only about 20 minutes from home.  It is the cutest little farm! We missed my dad and wished he could've come along and we know mom was looking down on us, smiling at the kids.  We'll definitely be back next year. 
 Ready to go!  Standing in the "parking lot"  (their fields which hadn't been cut yet:)
 Wy loving the ride and his sucker. 
 Happy Hannah and Hattie
 Wy and Madi
 Cool cornstalk man
 Farmer Wyatt
 Gracie bug by the awesome Minion hay bales
 Our little pumpkin

 This outhouse photo prop gave us way too much entertainment. 
Everyone had to take a turn and we laughed and laughed every time. 

 Gracie and Hannah peeking through they hay in the maze
 This precious little kitty caused quite a stir.  It was "free" so Madi just couldn't understand why she couldn't get it.  She said she'd pay us all her money.  She did not get the cat but told us she was going to start saving her money for a house so she could get her own cat. 
 Crazy Grace Face
 Olaf hay bales!
 Poop troop or 3 turds in a bucket as Papa would call them
 Everyone ready for the haunted hay scary could it be???
 Wyatt was trying to bail, he knew what was coming. 

 Uncle Doug is one of Wy's best buddies.
 Notice all kids now on laps, much closer to adults. 
 Pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins.
 More holding of scared kids going on.
 By the end of the ride, all of the kids but Madi had cried. 
 They had the cutest decorations
 Our family at the pumpkin patch
 I'd buy a pumpkin from this cute kid
 The Hoversons
 Hannah picked this one:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics and making awesome memories! Gotta love Madisyn's determination re: the kitty.