Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Birthday Madisyn

Our sweet Madisyn turned 9 on September 8th.  We had celebrated the Sunday before with a party and bounce house for the kids.  They all had a fun time even though it was extremely hot and humid.  Madi asked me if it would be okay not to have a "theme" for her party this year.  I felt a little sad about it at first because my baby is growing up so fast.  After her party we went to my mom and dad's house so she could open her gifts from them.  I am so thankful my mom got to see her open her gifts.  My mom passed away on the afternoon of Madi's birthday.  It's so hard for her to understand.  She and my mom shared such a special bond.  We know one day Madi will be honored to share her birthday with Grandma's birthday in Heaven but it will be hard for a while.  Here are some pictures from her party:)
 Definitely not one of Grandma's cakes, but Madi was happy.  It broke my mom's heart that she couldn't make her cake this year.  She has made every one of Madi's birthday cakes. 
 Hattie enjoying the party
 Cousin Jack thinking about giving Auntie Lexie a smile
 Bounce house fun

 Madi was very happy with her Garmin Vivofit from mommy & daddy!
 More presents

 Make a wish
 The bounce house crew
 I had to go in and take care of some wasps who had made their way in
 Bath and Body Works goodies from Grandpa & Grandma
My dad had been calling Madisyn, "Madi Sue Heck" for quite sometime now, after Sue from the tv show The Middle.    They made a deal that if he didn't quit calling her that by her b-day, he had to pay her $50.  Well, she got her $50 but I think she may have gotten it no matter what.  I think Papa can call her Madi Sue Heck for as long as he wants:)

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