Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well I got my test results back from the Dr. about my glucose test and they said it was "normal" but on the high side of normal. My Dr. opted to send me to a diabetic counselor and look at my diet. I went today to meet with her and definitely learned a few things. I will need to monitor my blood surgar, testing it 4x each day and follow a more well balanced diet. Although it really stinks that it came to this, in a way, I'm glad it did. I needed that to make me realize I need to make some changes for me and for my family. We took Madi to the Dr. yesterday with concerns that she may be diabetic but thankfully her tests came back good with the exception of her having a urinary tract infection. I've never felt more scared in my life to think that my sweet little girl might have to deal with that at such a young age. We will definitely be making some changes in our house. My motivation will be keeping my family healthy and losing some weight (after Grace is born of course) for Doug and Sarah's wedding! Thanks for all the prayers for Madi that I know were out there, they worked!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Very glad to hear that you both are ok! Stay healthy for those little girls.