Friday, December 18, 2009

A new understanding...

I have a new understanding and appreciation for diabetics. I used to not really understand why it was so hard for diabetics to keep their blood sugars under control. Since I've been monitoring mine though, it is much harder that I ever thought. My blood sugars have been running high the last couple of days and I just feel like such a horrible mom because I am eating everything I should be and they're still high. I just feel awful because I know this isn't good for my little Grace and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's just very frustrating and this time of the year is not helping one bit with all the treats hanging around every where you turn.

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

I'm sure you are doing very well with watching your diet. You're one of the most disciplined people I know. Usually the concern is for the mother's body having the stress of elevated blood sugars & pregnancy. David had an elevated blood sugar when he he was born so the nurses just gave him water right after his birth & he was fine. I had tested normal glucose after the post glucola test so I wasn't on any special diet. Back in those days I drank Coke Classic besides & David as you know turned out just fine & healthy as could be. Please don't be so hard on yourself. You've made changes in your diet & you were only on the high side of normal. You're a great Mom & soon you'll have Grace in your arms to prove she's as healthy as Madi is!! I pray for that day & night as I did for Madi.