Sunday, December 20, 2009

My day...

About half of the treat plates I made for Dave's customers.
A few more goodies for the neighbors, etc.

Sitting down at the computer is the first I've sat down so far today and boy am I beat. I've been baking/cleaning since after church this morning, about 10:30. I made about 16 treat plates for some of Dave's customers; I think I should include a note that includes something about a few good sales in return:) It feels good to have them all done though. Thank goodness for a short week this week; half day Wednesday then off Thursday-Sunday with 4 Christmas celebrations packed in there somewhere. I'm off to finish the laundry, get ready for the week and get dinner. Have a great week!!!

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

I'm exhausted just reading what you did yesterday!! Seriously, you need to put your feet up & pace yourself, Honey. I just don't know where you get your energy especially if you're not sleeping well. On another note, you are such an asset to your husband r/t his sales work. Homemade goodies have to go a long way to promote goodwill compared to cans of nuts, bags of coffee, etc that Jim & I see @ our workplaces from sales reps/business associates. You have a very generous heart but please take care of yourself. You work sooo hard!