Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy me!

Mommy and Madi and the beautiful cake Madi decorated for me!Opening my Wii Fit!!!
Very happy about my present!
Madi showing off the cool puzzle that she got at the library from Clifford.
Watching from a distance:)
Friday was my 27th birthday and I had a great day and a great weekend. Friday night we drove up to a little town that has an awesome park filled with Christmas lights and drove through that and went out to dinner. Saturday, Madi and I got up and went to the library where Clifford the big red dog was visiting for story time. It was alot of fun but Madi is pretty nervous around things in costume so she kept her distance:) After the library we headed to Green Bay with my mom and sister and we saw The Princess and the Frog was super cute. After the movie we met Doug and Sarah for church, dinner then birthday cake at their house. It was such a good day. I got super spoiled for my birthday and boy did they get one past me; they all went together and got me a Wii and Wii Fit for my birthday; I can hardly wait to get in shape after Ms. Grace is born!!! Here are a few pics from the weekend.

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