Thursday, December 31, 2009

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & Baby Update

Here is my little family on Christmas Eve as well as the latest belly shot; 33 weeks, 2 days along. Sadly to say, this is the extent of the Christmas pictures that I'll be able to post on here:( We went to download our pictures last night and it downloaded 14 pictures (out of 69) and then stopped and all the rest were gone. We were very disappointed, at least we got this good one.

Christmas was great as usual and we are quickly finding out that our house that we thought was so big really is not. Rather than ask Madi what she got for Christmas, it's easier to ask her what she didn't get. We were all very spoiled and had a great time spending time with our families. We had Christmas Eve with my family, Christmas day with our little family and then in the evening we enjoyed Dave's extended family Christmas. On the 26th we spent the day with Dave's immediate family. Most people know that I LOVE Christmas but I can honestly say that I am worn out this year and ready for a break. It could have something to do with the fact that we'll have a new baby within a month!

I had a Dr. appointment yesterday and am still measuring 3 weeks ahead; I am 34 weeks, measuring 37. I have not gained any weight in the last two months but Grace continues to grow so the thought of labor this time is getting a little scary if there's a chance she'll be bigger than her big sister who was 9lbs. 6oz.!!! I will go back to the Dr. in two weeks and have an ultrasound and do some stress tests to make sure everything with Grace is okay. My Dr. is happy with my blood sugars and now that Christmas is over it will be even easier to keep them under control.

Our New Year will be very uneventful since I have to work tomorrow. New Year's Day is the busiest day at the YMCA since everyone is making their New Year's resolutions! We are also dog sitting this weekend for Dave's parent's dog, Remy so we plan to spend the weekend at home undecorating for Christmas, getting the carseat put in the car and Dave and my brother are making jerkey. Hope everyone has a very safe and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 28, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

There is a commercial for a church that plays on the Christmas radio station we've been listening to that has kids singing, "All I want for Christmas is Jesus." Madi and I were driving the other day and she heard the commercial and said, "Mommy, those kids said all they want for Christmas is Jesus." I could tell the wheels were really turning in her head but I said yes and kept driving and then Madi said, "Mommy, I don't just want Jesus for Christmas." Trying not to burst out laughing I explained that Jesus' birthday was on Christmas and Jesus is the reason that we have Christmas but she went on to say, "but I still don't just want Jesus for Christmas." I'm sure in the mind of a 3 year old the idea of getting a grown man for Christmas is a little strange:)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Who needs presents...

...when you already have the best gift ever given.
Do you ever just look at your child and just get this overwhelming sense of love, pride, joy, etc. for you just seriously want to pick them up and squeeze them as hard as you possibly can? Okay, maybe it's just me:) Sometimes I just look at this little face and can't believe that I am lucky enough for her to be mine. Here are a few things about my little princess...
*She can't stand it when her pants are over her belly and immediately pushes them down
*She calls herself Tinkerbell, calls me Queen Clarion, Dave is Terrance and Bear is Cheese...all characters from the Tinkerbell movie. Ask her who her Papa is and "he is just a man fairy."
*She firmly believes her Uncle Doug will not get any presents for Christmas because he is on the naughty list, she told me so this morning.
*She needs to sleep with me because "I miss you when I'm in my bed" and she has to come to the bathroom with me because "I love you and need to come in here with you."
*She loves Christmas just as much as I do and can really belt out the Christmas tunes
*She loves to watch Biggest Loser with me and there is always a commercial for a local fitness place on during Biggest Loser; she always tells me that I need to go exercise there because my belly is fat.
*I couldn't possibly love her more

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My day...

About half of the treat plates I made for Dave's customers.
A few more goodies for the neighbors, etc.

Sitting down at the computer is the first I've sat down so far today and boy am I beat. I've been baking/cleaning since after church this morning, about 10:30. I made about 16 treat plates for some of Dave's customers; I think I should include a note that includes something about a few good sales in return:) It feels good to have them all done though. Thank goodness for a short week this week; half day Wednesday then off Thursday-Sunday with 4 Christmas celebrations packed in there somewhere. I'm off to finish the laundry, get ready for the week and get dinner. Have a great week!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

A new understanding...

I have a new understanding and appreciation for diabetics. I used to not really understand why it was so hard for diabetics to keep their blood sugars under control. Since I've been monitoring mine though, it is much harder that I ever thought. My blood sugars have been running high the last couple of days and I just feel like such a horrible mom because I am eating everything I should be and they're still high. I just feel awful because I know this isn't good for my little Grace and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It's just very frustrating and this time of the year is not helping one bit with all the treats hanging around every where you turn.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

32 weeks on Tuesday

Grace's bedroom, all it needs now is her!
Dresser and quilt on the wall.
Very girly!
My favorite part of her room is this wall decal, I know it's hard to see in this picture but it is beautiful!
Total weight gain: I will find out Wednesday and I'm scared:)
Maternity clothes? Yep and even they are getting smaller and smaller by the day!
Stretch marks? Yes, probably some new and feels like my belly can't possibly get any bigger.
Sleep: Hasn't been too bad lately I guess.
Best moment this week: I had some Braxton Hicks contractions, reminds me that Gracie's birthday is getting sooo close!
Movement: Lots of movement lately.
Food cravings: Not really, trying to eat good and keep my blood sugars in check.
Gender: "Still a girl"
Labor Signs: A few Braxton Hicks contractions and lots of backaches.
What I miss: Being able to cross my legs!
What I am looking forward to: Going to the Dr. this week and seeing what she says about how far I'm measuring.
Weekly Wisdom: Nothing much, I am just so excited for this little lady to be here!
Milestones: 8 months down!

Happy me!

Mommy and Madi and the beautiful cake Madi decorated for me!Opening my Wii Fit!!!
Very happy about my present!
Madi showing off the cool puzzle that she got at the library from Clifford.
Watching from a distance:)
Friday was my 27th birthday and I had a great day and a great weekend. Friday night we drove up to a little town that has an awesome park filled with Christmas lights and drove through that and went out to dinner. Saturday, Madi and I got up and went to the library where Clifford the big red dog was visiting for story time. It was alot of fun but Madi is pretty nervous around things in costume so she kept her distance:) After the library we headed to Green Bay with my mom and sister and we saw The Princess and the Frog was super cute. After the movie we met Doug and Sarah for church, dinner then birthday cake at their house. It was such a good day. I got super spoiled for my birthday and boy did they get one past me; they all went together and got me a Wii and Wii Fit for my birthday; I can hardly wait to get in shape after Ms. Grace is born!!! Here are a few pics from the weekend.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well I got my test results back from the Dr. about my glucose test and they said it was "normal" but on the high side of normal. My Dr. opted to send me to a diabetic counselor and look at my diet. I went today to meet with her and definitely learned a few things. I will need to monitor my blood surgar, testing it 4x each day and follow a more well balanced diet. Although it really stinks that it came to this, in a way, I'm glad it did. I needed that to make me realize I need to make some changes for me and for my family. We took Madi to the Dr. yesterday with concerns that she may be diabetic but thankfully her tests came back good with the exception of her having a urinary tract infection. I've never felt more scared in my life to think that my sweet little girl might have to deal with that at such a young age. We will definitely be making some changes in our house. My motivation will be keeping my family healthy and losing some weight (after Grace is born of course) for Doug and Sarah's wedding! Thanks for all the prayers for Madi that I know were out there, they worked!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

30 weeks actual, 33 weeks probable

How far along? 30 Weeks but last week my Dr. said I was measuring 32 weeks when I was actually 29. Soooo, I'm about 3 weeks ahead of schedule.
Total weight gain: 30 lbs:(
Maternity clothes? Yep and even they are getting smaller and smaller by the day!
Stretch marks? Yes, probably some new and old.
Sleep: Getting harder and harder to do!
Best moment this week: Last night Grace was going CRAZY in my stomach, it's so much fun to watch my stomach bounce all around.
Movement: Lots of movement lately.
Food cravings: I'm really trying to behave myself, it's going to be so hard through the hoildays. Gender: "Still a girl"
Labor Signs: Lots of bachaches lately. After the Dr. told us I was measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule I am really nervous thinking how soon that could actually be. We could seriously have a baby still this year!!!
What I miss: Sleep
What I am looking forward to: Getting our Christmas tree this weekend, the house is decorated but Daddy wasn't home last weekend to go cut down the tree.
Weekly Wisdom: If Grace is measuring 3 weeks ahead, she would be roughly 5 lbs. this week (at 33 weeks) and about 17 inches long!
Milestones: 3/4 of the way done, probably more!!!
I heard back from my Dr. today and my glucose test was "normal" but on the high side of normal. I will need to monitor my sugar and carb intake until our little girl makes her arrival, what a stinky time of the year to have to do that...anything for my baby though. They will also be watching my weight gain closely this last little while. I'm so thankful that the test was normal and it was a good wake-up call for me to eat better.