Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Latest From Jolly & RAKs

 December 14-Though our temps have been mild for December, jolly dreamed of escaping to warmer weather; maybe to AZ with Grandpa & Grandma Reed??
 December 15-We found Jolly and friends having a sack race across our kitchen table.  The Grinch was in last place!
 December 16-Jolly was driving Wyatt's toy monster truck over some of his other cars.
December 17-This morning we found Jolly roasting marshmallows over a candle.  It reminded us of camping:)
December 13-I don't have a picture, but we dropped off a small gift for a former co-workers little girl who will be celebrating her first Christmas this year. 
 December 14-We left a free movie code and a bag of popcorn on the Redbox in town.
 Baked goodies to donate to the bake sale at Madi and Grace's school. 
I left my full punch card from our local coffee shop for the next person in line.  (I ordered my drink and filled up the card so the next drink would be free).  We ended up still being there when a woman received her drink free and she was SO touched.  She came and asked if it was us and was almost in tears.  It was fun to see someone actually receiving one of our RAKs:)  It made my day!

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