Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Jolly, RAKs, and This & That

We're finishing up our RAKs and it's sure been fun.  We did some new things and some that were the same as last year.  It's been fun this year to see/hear that two of our RAKs were so much appreciated.  Looking forward to continuing the tradition next year (and all throughout the year of course). 
 December 18-Left a free car wash code on the car wash machine
 December 20-Left small packs of diapers and wipes on changing tables while out shopping.
 December 19-Left a small containers of detergent, dryer sheets, and quarters at the Laundromat. 
 December 21-Ding Dong Diaper Ditched a neighbor with a little one. 
 December 22-Left a free Redbox code, popcorn, and candy for our mail carrier. 
 December 23-Delivered gifts and treats to school!
I made 42 of these Rudolph cupcakes for the girls to take for treats for their Christmas parties at school.  I love how they turned out. 
Jolly has been busy again this week and tonight he'll go back to the North Pole to help Santa finish up the final preparations for Christmas! We'll miss you Jolly!
 No orange juice in the fridge, no problem! 
 Jolly was busy doing marshmallow clean-up with Wyatt's trucks. 
 We found Jolly giving Wyatt's 4-wheeler a tune-up one morning. 
 One day I walked in to get something I printed from the printer and found this!

 Jolly made elf sized donuts for the kids yesterday.  They've been asking to have donuts one morning.  These didn't quite fill them up, so daddy went to the bakery today and got them some kid sized donuts!

Today Jolly brought a fun game that I've been trying to find for the kids for a while.  It has been sold out in stored and on-line.  Thankfully, Jolly has the hookup with Santa so he must've pulled some strings for us!  We can't wait to play it during Christmas break!
Here's a few more pictures of other things we've been up to this week.  Tomorrow the girls will sing in our church choir for the 4pm mass.  I think we're going to go to the cemetery afterwards and the kids will each send up a lantern for Grandma.  We'll do our traditional taco dinner at dad's and then open gifts there.  Sunday morning Dad will join us for breakfast and gift opening at hour house then late in the afternoon we'll join the Welter family (Dave's mom's side of the family) for their Christmas celebration!  More pictures to come:)
 We visited Santa at McDonalds
 I was on my way home from the grocery store and spotted Santa walking down the street!  I snapped a picture to show the kids:)  When I drove by he gave me a wave!
 We all met for dinner and then put up and decorated Papa's tree.  There are a lot of ornaments on the bottom of the tree this year:)  We picked out as many red bird ornaments as we could to decorate with this year. 
 I took the poop troop (as papa refers to them) out to help me run a couple errands yesterday.  We went to the post office and the grocery store.  They were very good and made lots of people smile while we were out. 

We had the best mail day yesterday.  There were two packages on the front porch that I wasn't expecting at all!  We got a beautiful basket from a dear friend in Evanston, WY and a wonderful box of goodies from my Aunt.  She made the girls these beautiful hats, scarves, and afgans.  They are just gorgeous and the girls were SO happy with them!

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