Saturday, December 26, 2015

Oconto Christmas Lights

Tonight we drove to Oconto to go through their park Christmas display and have dinner at Wayne's Family Restaurant.  Years ago we did this for the first time, right around my birthday.  My dad was gone at work when we went so my mom and sister came along.  After we drove through the park to see the lights, we ate at the same restaurant we did tonight and did a bit of shopping at Pamida (now Shopko). Since that first year we went, which might have been even before Grace was born, it's been somewhat of a tradition and mom always looked forward to it.  Tonight we all met at the restaurant for dinner, drove through the lights, and then went and shopped for a while at Shopko.  Such a nice night, and the perfect way to honor her memory. 
 Dinner with the crew
 This tree was just beautiful

 My favorite part of this display was the crown; the perfect touch.
 Of course we had to take a picture of the tree done by the Reed family:) 

 It started snowing very heavily on our way home and when we passed the Chase Stone Barn it looked so pretty.  Dave pulled in and we snapped a couple pictures from the car. 


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