Monday, December 7, 2015

Frosty Frolic, Tree Cutting, St. Nick, RAKs, and Jolly leaves???

What a weekend it was!  Papa treated us all to pizza from Toppers on Friday night then we headed to our library for the annual Frosty Frolic where the kids got to see Santa.  Madi was at a sleepover at the Tundra Lodge (lucky!!)  so she was having a super fun time without us:) 
 Hannah wasn't sure about Santa.  Wyatt wouldn't even go near him. 

 Ringing Santa's bell to make her Christmas wish. 
 Listening to Mrs. Claus read stories
 Hannah and Hattie thought it was the coolest thing ever to drink out of their own (non-sippy) cups

Auntie Kaci and the monsters

Sunday we went and got our Christmas tree.  I knew this year was going to be hard, but I guess I didn't realize just how hard until this weekend.  I didn't feel like going to get a tree AT ALL.  I was tempted to use one of the artificial ones from my dad's house.  We ended up going and found a neat new place very close to our church.  They take you to the trees in a wagon and then pick you up with your tree and bring you back.  We got a beautiful tree for $25! 

St. Nick came on Sunday even though we had some not-so-good behavior on Saturday.

I don't have pictures of all our RAKs since Friday.  Saturday we took items to church to for our giving tree, Sunday we went to the dollar store and each of the kids got $1 to put by something they would like, in hopes another child would find it and get to buy an unexpected treat, and today I have my sis-in-law a little gift; just because she's pretty darn great.
And finally...Jolly.  So, like I mentioned, we had some nasty attitudes, crabby kids, and too much fighting going on.  Well, Jolly noticed and went on strike.  Unfortunately, all this continued into Sunday and Jolly wasn't back this morning either:(  Today was still not great, but much better than the weekend so we're really hoping Jolly comes back tonight.
 Saturday morning we found Jolly taking care of business in Grace's Barbie doll house!
 After a tough day on Sunday, this is what they got up to and Jolly was nowhere to be found!
Oh my goodness, Madi just made my day.  She disappeared into her room for a while and just came out and said she had prayed the rosary.  Such a good girl, she makes me so proud.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry, going out to pick out your tree was so hard this year as you're grieving your beautiful mothers death, 3 months today, Dec 8 our Blessed Mother's Holy day. Under the circumstances, it sounded like it was a fun day complete with wagon rides, finding a gorgeous tree at a bargain price! Madi had asked if she could take a "how to say the rosary book" home with her af ter our "girls weekend" the weekend before Thanksgiving. I'm so happy she said the rosary! Our Blessed Mother, Mary, is a special devotion of mine and truly loves us as a mother. If you don't now, perhaps you could turn to our Blessed Mother for comfort, Lexie. She loves us so much and has been encouraging us to pray the rosary for peace when she appears at Medjugore several times a year. Your RAK involving the kids placing a dollar by an item they would like nearby is such a cool idea! I hope Jolly can come back soon but the kids are lucky St Nick showed up! Love to read your blog and keep in touch long distance!