Friday, December 4, 2015

Jolly Returns and RAK, Days 1-4

I had planned to do this daily but we've had a crummy week and it just didn't happen.  All I have to say is TGIF!  (one night Wyatt threw a hard plastic ball down the toiled and flushed it...Dave and my dad had to put the toilet on it's side to get the ball out and then replace the wax rings, etc.  What a nightmare)  I digress...

Our Elf on the Shelf, Jolly, came back on Tuesday and we also started our 24 Days of RAK as well.  Here's what we've been up to so far this week!
Day 1- Daddy dropped off our 10 packed shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.  We will eventually get an e-mail telling us what country our shoeboxes made it to!
 Day 2-We dropped off books at our local library that will be donated to the Give-a-kid-a-Book campaign. 
Day 3-We donated hats and gloves to our Pulaski Area Community Education (PACE) office to go to kids who might need them.
Day 4-Mailing this stack of packages today along with roughly 50 Christmas cards.  2 of the packages are ones we normally mail for Christmas, but the other 4 are just because we want to spread some sunshine to some special people in our lives.  These packages will travel to 5 different states!
 Jolly returned on Tuesday via North Pole Airlines and a runway made from Christmas lights!

 He came with a camel on hump day:)
 The girls like playing Minecraft and we found Jolly with a Minecraft Santa head, playing on the iPad, iPod, and reading a Minecraft book. 

 This morning Jolly had gotten himself into a little predicament with our Band-Aids.  He did bring the kids some new Elf on the Shelf Band-Aids to make up for using so many of ours!

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