Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas 2015

We did it.  We made it through.  I love the Christmas season and always hate to see it go, but this year, getting through the last two days was all I could think about. Last night as we crawled into bed, I just felt relief.  We did it.  We made through our first Christmas without my mom.  It's not that we didn't have a good Christmas, it was just so different and so, so hard.  We visited her both days and tried to send off lanterns at the cemetery on Thursday night but the wind and cold didn't cooperate.   The kids were very happy with all their gifts and we got to spend time with family and extended family which was wonderful.  Here are a few pictures of the fun. 
 The girls sang in the choir for the 4:00 Christmas Eve mass.  Our church was PACKED and they said they were anticipating 1200 people minimum!
 Present time at Papa's house.  The twins were helping Wyatt open his new trike from Papa!
 Stamping kit from Uncle Doug & Auntie Sarah
 The girls got Kindle Fire's from Papa.  This was Grace's face when she realized what she had gotten:)
 Thank you Papa!  That was the extend of the picture taking at the Hoverson Christmas because it was mass chaos with three 2-year olds trying to open everything:)
 Wyatt waking up Christmas morning
 Santa came!

 Skateboard, helmet, and Under Armor shoes for Madi 
 Grace got a camper for her American Girl doll and a campfire set with sticks and marshmallows to roast
 Little man got a train table!
 She didn't understand why she got a fish tank if we had no fish.  I explained that part of the gift was getting a fish.  Silly girl.
 Really mom?  Big boy undies?
 Madi got her cowgirl boots!
 Wy and Daddy checking out his new train
 Wyatt unwrapping his new bed set for his big bed-action shot
 We were all pretty excited about the kid's new University of Wyoming gear from the George family!  Dave just got me a new Wyoming Cowboys shirt and sweatshirt for my birthday so now we can all match!
 The aftermath
 Welter family Christmas fun!  The kids playing ping pong and the adults playing cards
 Wyatt and Ceanu-ping pong partners
 Grandma & Aunt Wendy serious about cards:)
 Rylee in action!
 Two tables of card playing
Wyatt was the referee because nobody wanted him on their side:)

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