Sunday, August 16, 2015

Twin Bridges Camping Weekend

We decided with summer dwindling away faster than we care to talk about, we'd like to try and fit in a camping trip this month.  Dave took Friday off so Thursday afternoon we headed north to Twin Bridges Campground.  We've stayed there once before, on our very first camping trip almost two years ago.  It has remained at the top of my list as my favorite campground we've visited so far .  It is a beautiful campground with nice bathrooms and showers and easy access to the beach and a very nice park for the kids.  The only downfall is that only half of their sites can be reserved, the other half are first-come-first-serve.  All the sites that could be reserved already were which didn't sit well with my type-A, plan loving, personality.  Dave assured me since we were leaving Thursday we would have no problem getting a spot.  There were only 3 open spots when we got there; too close for comfort in my book. 
 Sand monster
 Madi's friend, Izzy, throwing her into the water
 Daddy and Grace water fight
 Our little fish girl
 Wyatt ended up with a fever on Saturday and was very sleepy and not at all himself.  This was Saturday evening and we were so happy to have him back to his normal, mischievous, self. 
 We had already changed out of swimming suits before heading to watch a waterski show but everyone had to wade in the water anyway. 
 Some got more wet than others...
 Waiting for the waterski show to start; I love Wyatt's sandy butt and Grace's dirty little toes!
 Twin Bridges waterski team
 The sunset was probably the most beautiful I've ever seen.  Pictures just don't do it justice. 
 Madi & Izzy watching the show

 Wyatt and Grace testing out the floaties in the camper
 Lunch time on the beach
 My handsome little stud muffin
 The kids spent countless hours in the water this weekend; I would say close to 9 hours between the two days and they would've stayed longer if we'd let them. 
 Playing at the park while Daddy packed up the camper.  No fear. 
 Grace found a friend at the beach and they had SO much fun.  Her name was Addie Grace so they were two peas in a pod:)
Happy Camping to all, and to all a good night!
(Wyatt slept in his camper bed both nights like a champ.  Maybe the transition from the crib won't be too hard???)
As much as I love camping, my heart really was not into this trip to begin with.  Dave decided we should go, then thought it might be too hot so decided we shouldn't go (but I said we were already too committed to back out and had already invited Madi's friend).  Wyatt got a fever, we lost electricity to the camper for Saturday afternoon/evening, and there was a fair amount of bickering going on because little sister was jealous that big sister got to bring a friend along.  Friday night I told Dave I would happily go home, but we stuck it out and ended up having a fun weekend.  It was Madi's friend's first time camping so we hope she enjoyed it as much as we (normally) do.  Looking forward to some fall camping!

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