Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Heritage Hill State Park

After living in the Green Bay area for almost 11 years now, I finally made it to one of the places I've always wanted to visit.  I've loved history for as long as I can remember but, like so many other things, I've just never got around to visiting Heritage Hill.  The girls had appointments for back-to-school haircuts in Green Bay anyway, so when I saw that Tuesdays were free, we had to check it out.  The girls were very intrigued but I made the mistake of not bringing the stroller for Wyatt.  Usually he prefers to walk and won't sit in it but there was LOTS of walking and LOTS of hills and his little legs tired quickly.  Then he wanted me to carry him the whole time and was upset when I needed to put him down because the humidity was insane and I was HOT.  He isn't quite old enough to appreciate all the history just yet, but we'll teach him. There were also some large summer camp groups there today which made some parts tricky for us to see.  I would love to go back again, with a stroller and with my hubby, but I'm happy we finally made it there. 
 Excited to check everything out!
 Cheese factory from the 1800's
 Looks like it's time to put these kiddos to work; my days of laundry are over!

 I just love windmills!
 Beautiful church
 Inside of the church
 The kids in front of Cotton House

 Up close and personal with some of the farm animals
 This cow kept an eye on Grace, with good reason I'm sure

 This was Wyatt's, "I'm not so sure about those cows" look.  He kept his distance to being with then got curious. 
 Wy thought a stick might help
 Sorry, windmill picture overload; I just can't get enough
 Wyatt checking out the man things
 Madi's bangs were FINALLY long enough that Debbie thought we could layer her hair a bit to help them blend in better and did this awesome braid after she cut it.  Debbie is seriously the best; she so kindly made a house call last weekend to cut my mom's hair for her and did a beautiful job, as usual.  You know you have the best hairdresser ever when your kids give her hugs and kisses before leaving:)

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