Monday, August 10, 2015

National Railroad Museum-Our Frugal Fun Day

Today the kids and I ventured to the National Railroad Museum in Green Bay.  Wyatt is currently obsessed with trains and the girls kept saying, "this is awesome, this is awesome."  The kids earned free passes to the museum through the summer reading program at the library.  Wyatt ended up being free anyway so we were able to pay it forward and gave our extra free pass to the family behind us.  The kids had so much fun.  There really are so many amazing things to take advantage of right in our backyard. 
 Mommy started the morning with a free iced coffee from McDonalds!  
It tastes so much better when it's free;)
Selfie on the train ride!

 The girls weren't quite sure about the smell on the trains (they smelled old).  Grace walked into one train and said, "eww, this smells like Uncle Doug!" 
 Like caged animals
 Snow plow for the railroad tracks
 Mr. Conductor

 There were some beautiful flowers outside the museum!

 Ready for our train ride!
 My favorite picture of the day I think:)

 Dining car
 Mail car

 This lookout tower looks out over the Fox River in Green Bay.  All 3 kids walked all the way to the top and back down!  Every time I looked back at Wyatt on the way down, he told me, "I comin' mama!" 

 The view from the top of the lookout tower! Beautiful!
From the Railroad museum we headed to Pizza Hut to use the kid's free personal pan pizzas they had also gotten from the summer reading program.  When we got there the server said we might as well hold onto them because kids eat free for the lunch buffet.  We all had their lunch buffet for under $9!  It was such a fun, frugal, day!  We went and used a bunch of coupons/discount cards I had in my purse and got some killer deals.  The kids got to have their fun and so did mommy:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Win-win, Lexie. I just love reading your blog and seeing all your photos!