Saturday, August 8, 2015

It's Been a While-Picture Overload

I'm so sad that it's less than a month until the kids go back to school.  As usual, I'm not sure where our summer has gone.  We've managed to keep plenty busy though.  In July, we babysat a little girl who was in Grace's 4K class and her little sister; they were with us 3 days a week for the month.  Here's a little more of what we've been up to...

I took all the kiddos to the zoo one of the days we babysat.  Everyone had a good time, minus another seagull encounter during our picnic before going into the zoo:)

We've enjoyed our Thursday story time at the coffee shop with cousins Hannah and Hattie.  Wyatt has taken many naps in many different places at Grandma's house. 
 The kids had a lemonade stand at Grandma and Grandpa's house and did pretty well despite losing interest fairly quickly:)

 We made pizzas and slime one day, separately of course!

And we had fun at Kidz Town in Green Bay one afternoon.
The kids did lots of playing; Barbies, doll house, little people, animals, babies, and just about anything else you can think of!

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