Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sheboygan Children's Museum

Today we took a road trip to Sheboygan to meet with an old friend from college.  She and her family moved to the Milwaukee area last year so we picked a good half way point to meet and decided to go to the children's museum so the kids could play.  The last time I saw her was 10 years ago at our wedding so it was fun to catch up and meet her little girl.  The children's museum was very cool and the kids had a great time.  We grabbed some lunch at Pizza Ranch and headed home.  Thanks for a fun day Lu and Kelsey!
 Madi climbing through the tunnel across the top of the museum

 Clownin' around

 Crazy Clown
 Lu's daughter, Kelsey
 Wyatt and Kelsey loved the fire truck and would've stayed there all day
 Steering the ship

 Working on the oil rig, taking after Papa

 Future scientist?

 Sweet Grace.  I realized there weren't may pictures of her from today but she was so busy off exploring that it was hard to get her to sit still:)
 So studious

 Even Wy went all the way across the tunnel

 Cute little garden decoration; I had to show my mom

 The kids got to make bird feeders with pinecones, peanut butter, and bird seed.  If you look closely, you can see peanut butter on Wyatt's upper lip.  Yes, he licked the knife.  We went to eat lunch shortly after. 
 Cool mirrors
 There was even face painting outside
 Beautiful butterflies
Wyatt hugging his new friend, Kelsey

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