Monday, August 17, 2015

Cousin Fun Day

We had SUCH a fun day with cousins Hannah and Hattie today (and their mommy too of course!).  We were going to go to the zoo but met at Kidz Town since there was a chance of rain all day.  The kids had a ball!  We went to McDonalds for lunch (and ice cream!) afterwards and they all played in the play land.  We all met for dinner at my mom and dad's house tonight to welcome my aunt who is here to stay for 2 weeks with my mom while my dad is at work (I can't even begin to explain how very thankful I am to her for making the trip, but more on that later).  The guys grilled some delicious steaks (thanks to the Lewis family for the very thoughtful gift card!) and we made some corn, potatoes, cucumber salad, and Sarah made a yummy cake for dessert.  It was such a good day and boy did we have some tired kiddos tonight.  It makes my heart so happy that even though we had spent the day together, the kids couldn't have been happier to play again at Grandpa & Grandma's house; they really love each other so much. 
 Hattie was NOT impressed when a little boy gave her a little push down the slide
 Pure joy!

 Giddy up!
 Tiny Hannah loved the slide and would've spent the day laying at the bottom of it if her mom would've let her:)

 Gracie has a soft spot for Cardinals because she knows how much Grandma Hoverson loves them.  Whenever we see one, real or fake, she gravitates towards it. 
 Like father, like son.  Grill master in the making. 
 All the kids got awesome balloon animals.  Grace chose the giraffe which was absolutely adorable.  Unfortunately, by the time we got to the car, only it's head remained.  Lucky for her, Wyatt said he wanted to trade her half popped giraffe for his puppy...or so she said.
 Hattie was SO excited for a "balloon."  She sat and clapped as the lady was making them.  So cute!
 Hannah and Wyatt happy with their balloon animals, but even happier that mommy/Auntie Sarah had fruit snacks along:)
 Madi in a bubble at McDonalds play land. 
 Here comes Hannie!
Hattie snuck a drink (or 10) of mommy's soda.  Shhh, don't tell daddy!

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