Saturday, August 8, 2015

Anniversary Camping Weekend

Dave and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary on July 30th.  I was spoiled and Dave went all out.  I woke up to this sign, that I absolutely LOVE, that Dave had made (by my brother) for me.  It has the license plates of all the states that have some meaning to us (minus New Mexico I guess:) I also noticed right away that he was wearing his wedding ring.  Since he lost so much weight, his ring has not fit him for quite sometime.  He knew it bothered me that he didn't wear it anymore so he had it resized and was wearing it the morning of our anniversary.  He gave me a gift certificate for a pedicure and a note not to worry about dinner that night.  He had the kids all lined out to go to my brother and sis-in-laws house so we could enjoy dinner at the golf course his Grandpa Reed loved to play at.  It was a beautiful night and we enjoyed dinner and drinks on the patio and even managed to be there on B1G1 night, what a deal!  It was such a great day!
We had decided that we would go on a solo camping trip for the weekend following our anniversary.  Dave's parents took the kids for the weekend (thank you Jim & Vicki!!) and we had THE.BEST.TIME.  Saturday was one of the best days I've had in a long time.  We went out for breakfast, went to a craft show, found an awesome rummage sale, did some biking, swimming, and went out for a nice dinner and drinks.  It was a perfect day. 
 I made us a strawberry pie (over the campfire!) for our dessert on Friday night.  We even brought vanilla ice cream to go over the warm pie.  It was amazing. 

 Saturday morning we did some biking and took in some breathtaking views.  We met another couple coming down the trail as we were going up and the girl said it was "underwhelming,"  we disagreed. 

 At the bottom of slippery rock enjoying a drink. 
 Friday night dinner; steak, potatoes, garlic bread, and garden fresh cucumber salad.  Who says campfire food has to be boring?

 Slippery Rock.  We never did go down because there was always people around and we didn't want to make fools of ourselves:)
Out for dinner on Saturday night.  So good!
 There was lots of relaxing going on and I did quite a bit of reading while Dave tended the fire. 

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