Friday, March 13, 2015

Cute Crew Goes to the Zoo

I took these cute kiddos to the zoo today so we could enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather we had today.  They were all good as gold and had such a good time.  Hattie was the happiest girl the whole time we were there.  As a bonus, they were all asleep before I had the stroller loaded in the car to go home!  Madi was at school but told me she didn't mind if we went without her:)
 Grace has become very fascinated with maps. She wanted to find "the place to eat."  Priorities. 
 Precisely the reason they wore rain boots today. 
 Auntie, no more pictures...
 Ok, maybe one more!
 We had some yummy pretzels for lunch

 We got so close to this beautiful peacock!  Their colors are so amazing.
 Trying to call the turkey.  Future turkey hunters:)
We were looking at the monkeys and Hattie was SO HAPPY.  She just loved them and squealed with excitement.  She is such a doll. 

 Grace was such a great helper today.  She held Wyatt's hand and even took a turn pushing the stroller while I chased Wyatt.  She is a super big sis and big cousin. 

 Wild man:)
 A turkey sitting on a turkey.
Hannah and Hattie checking out the sheep and goats:)

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