Monday, March 2, 2015

AZ Trip-Day 6 & 7

Thursday, our last full day in AZ, we did a little shopping in the morning and picked up some things for a picnic at lunchtime. I was in heaven; there were racks and racks of sweaters for $3!  I was wishing I would've brought another suitcase!  We went to another awesome park for a picnic, the kids played, we walked along another trail, then headed back home to relax for the afternoon.  Dave's parent's ended up having a showing on their home so we hurried to get it in order then went for ice cream...before dinner (the perks of being on vacation)!  After ice cream we had a wonderful dinner at The Cheesecake Factory.  Perfect way to end our day. 
Friday we had to head to the airport around 9:00.  We stopped for a quick bite to eat on our way and then went to the airport where we walked in to a line at the check-in counter that was all the way to the door.  We got a little nervous because we didn't figure it would be necessary to get there 2 hours early..... I guess we were wrong.  We made it just fine though and before we knew it were headed home.  We made it back to Pulaski around 6pm and stopped at my mom's house where my amazing sis-in-law had dinner waiting for us.  When we got back to our house, we also had soup in the fridge and cookies and rolls on the counter from my sis-in-law, Sarah,  We are so blessed with such great people in our lives!  We also got to visit for a while with my Aunt who had flown in for the week to stay with my mom.  She will never know how thankful I am to her and for her! It was a great week and it was hard to come back to the cold but nice to be back in our own beds.  Looking forward to our next visit already!
 Wyatt is so lucky to have such good big sisters
 This boy LOVED every minute of our trip.  He was so happy to be able to be outside.  I have a feeling he will live outside this summer!
 His first time across the bridge was shaky but after that he loved it. 
 Just a swingin'
 Look ma, no hands!
 Happy Gracie girl

 I couldn't get over all the different kinds of cacti.  It was so cool!
 Grandpa watching the girls perform one of their MANY renditions from Frozen!
 I want to stand by the cactus Mommy.
 We spotted a cute little lizard on our walk .  Can you spot him?
 Wyatt ended up with his own seat on our flight home!  He enjoyed playing with his animal on his tray table. 
The girls were so over our picture taking by this point.  Just one more??


Melanie said...

Thanks for sharing your trip! I had to laugh a little because it looks like you're enjoying summer - but to us it's still winter and we're wearing pants & long sleeves & wouldn't even think about braving a swimming pool until June! I don't think I'll ever be able to move from Arizona. :)

The Reed Review said...

That's so funny Melanie, we noticed the same thing! We were sleeveless and wearing shorts and we saw many others in jackets, sweaters, etc. Coming from WI though, where the temps were, and have been, below 0, the 60s and 70s felt amazing😊