Thursday, March 5, 2015

AZ Vacation Through Grace's Eyes

While we were on vacation, Grace was busy snapping pictures on our iPad. I had forgotten about it until I happened to look through the pictures today. It gave me the biggest smile looking through them and seeing what things look like from 3 1/2 feet tall:)  I think she may have a future in photography:)  Sorry for the overload, they were all too sweet not to share.
 First official airplane selfie!  Last time she flew she was in my tummy:)

 She really loved all of Grandma's pretty flowers. 
 My mom told the girls she wanted a picture of a cactus so this was high on Grace's priority list as she got to taking pictures Saturday morning. 
 Another selfie with her cute bug eye shades:)

 Usually I hate pictures of myself, but she did alright:)
 Madi catching up on her teeny bopper gossip
 Smile mommy & daddy
 Say cheese Grandpa & Grandma
 More selfies...this time she stole her sister's sunglasses
 Another one of mommy (boy, mommy looks tired!-in my defense, I am pretty sure this was the day I was sick)
 I just love this one, she's pretty good:)
 This was through the screen, she was really getting creative. 

 Sister selfie on the plane ride home:)  Love them!
Grace caught Madi, our "tween"

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