Monday, March 2, 2015

AZ Trip-Day 2

  • Sunday we were supposed to go to church and enjoy lunch with Aunt Kathy and Dave's great Aunt and Uncle, Carolyn and Steve.  But...I was SICK.  Saturday night just as we were going to bed, I rolled over and the room started spinning.  I was sick to my stomach several times and couldn't keep anything down.  I haven't felt that bad in a really long time.  So, unfortunately our lunch gathering was cancelled.  Dave and his parents took the kids to church and I stayed in bed.  It was pretty miserable.  Grandpa and Grandma took the girls swimming later in the afternoon and Dave took Wyatt for a walk since he isn't old enough to go in the pool yet.  By late afternoon/evening I was feeling a little better but never felt 100% after that and still have a nasty cold and cough.  Grandpa snapped a couple pictures at the pool so I could see what they were up to:)

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