Monday, March 2, 2015

AZ Trip-Day 5

Dave & I were up early, even on our night away so we got back to the kids before 10am after we enjoyed some delicious authentic Mexican breakfast burritos and got some Starbucks for the road.  The girls were in their swimsuits when we got back, ready to head to the pool for the day with Grandma and enjoy lunch on the pool deck.  Dave, Wyatt, and I headed to an outlet mall for the afternoon and found some good deals and enjoyed the beautiful weather.  When we got back we headed to the park for a while with everyone.  That evening we got to enjoy dinner with Dave's great Aunt and Uncle, Steve and Carolyn.  It was a quick visit but we were happy we got to see them even after the plans for Sunday didn't work out. 
 Here Wyatt, I will help you
 Grace, I can do it by myself!

 Impressive follow through honey!

 Seeing all the palm trees was so cool!
 Blowing some bubbles

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