Monday, March 2, 2015

AZ Trip-Day 1

Yes, we're still here!  I've had no motivation to write much lately....obviously.  We just got back from a week in AZ with Dave's parents.  It was a great, much needed, vacation.  We have soooo many pictures, at least 600, so I will spare you seeing every one of them and break it up into days instead. 

We flew out of the Appleton airport around 6pm on Friday, February 20th.  We opened up the shades when we got on the plane and realized we were right over the engines:(  I was in the last row of the plane, right next to the bathrooms.  With the airline we flew on, you pay to chose your seat so being the frugal gal I am, I went with the cheaper seats in the back.  Lesson learned; next time we will spend more and sit towards the front...away from the bathroom and not over the wings or engines!  That aside, it was a great flight and all the kids were very good; Wyatt and Grace slept a good portion of the trip.  When we got to AZ it was about an hour and a half drive to Dave's parent's beautiful home.  After all the excitement we finally got to bed after 1am Wisconsin time. 

Saturday morning we were tired but got up, enjoyed some breakfast, and took a beautiful walk along the trail near my in-laws home.  The kids played at a park along the trail.  Later in the afternoon we headed to Dave's Aunt Kathy's home for dinner and some swimming.  The water was very cold but the kids still had a blast and we enjoyed excellent company and food! 

 Enjoying the view and a good cup of coffee to get us going.
 Beautiful walk/bike ride along the trail.
 We stopped along the trail and the kids played at the park for a while. 
 Wyatt thought he was big enough to ride the bike too and for some reason Grace ended up in the stroller...role reversal I guess. 
 The Reed men.
 Wyatt and Dave did a little off-roading.
 Our little stud muffin posing by the umbrella at Aunt Kathy's pool
Grandma and Gracie by the pool

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