Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Something to make you smile...

If this adorable little face doesn't bring a smile to your face then I'm not sure what will:) My precious little Grace is 10 weeks old today, where does the time go? I haven't posted in a while so here's what's been going on with the Reed family.

Mom-I am back to work full-time and hate every minute of it. Being away from my babies breaks my heart. I'm adjusting to getting 2 girls ready every morning though it means getting up at 4:45am. I know I didn't keep my promise about logging my weight loss progress every week but I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight; now just to work on the 20-25 lbs. to goal weight.

Dad-Dave has been working very long days lately although the last two nights that I had to work late he was great about making sure he tried to get home early to get the girls. His sales this month are awesome, go honey!!! He's still driving our personal vehicles back and forth to work everyday as work decided to "ground" him from his work truck, accusing him of using it for personal reasons which absolutely was not the case. It's a major bummer as it's an added expense that we would've rather done without the past 2 1/2 months.

Madi-big sis is doing great. We had a few rough days in the last couple weeks but things seem to be smoothing out now. Madi is great with Grace, she was just trying to see how much she could get away with with Mom and Dad. We signed her up for pre-school in the fall and she asks me on a regular basis when she gets to go to school; it's going to be a long 5 months:) She has also decided that she LOVES going to KidsKorner, the childcare at my work. It's nice that the girls can come along with me to work every once in a while. Madi can write her name and mom from memory, she colors like a pro and she knows what street she lives on and the street my parents live on as well as the town we live in and the capitol of WI (which is Madison in case you didn't know; ask her the capitol and she'll say Madi, too cute!) She also knows that her other Great-Grandmas live in North Dakota and Montana and can pick Texas out on a map (that's where papa works every 2 weeks). We have a little smarty pants on our hands!

Grace-little sis is just the sweetest baby! She has slept through the night for the past 2 weeks. She goes to bed around 8:30 and will sleep until 6:30 if you let her. She doesn't make a peep when she wakes up, just sits in her crib and smiles at her mobile. She has found her voice and does the sweet little baby coos. She also discovered her hands and swats at toys in her bouncy chair. She acts like she's mad at me since I have been back to work full time and when I get home at night all she wants to do is eat, it's like she knows as long as I'm feeding her I can't leave her:(

We are looking forward to Easter and, as usual, it will be a busy weekend. Friday night Dave's brother and his wife and little boy are coming to stay at our house. On Saturday we are going to Breakfast with the Easter Bunny at the zoo and then will do the Easter egg hunt there. Later in the afternoon we're going to the YMCA where Madi will do another Easter egg hunt. Sunday morning we'll go to church then into Green Bay where we'll have brunch with Dave's extended family. After brunch we'll head to my mom and dad's house for the big Easter egg hunt there. On Monday, Madi is going to the Princess Ballerina Tea Party at the Y; she'll get to dress up as a princess and spend the morning with other little princesses:) The following Friday my brother and his fiance close on their house in Pulaski!!! Saturday is Madi's dance recital and then Sunday Grace will be baptized. I'm tired just thinking about the next two weekends! Have a great Easter and I'll post Easter pics soon!

1 comment:

Erin said...

She is gorgeous. Just reading about the next two weeks for you makes me exhausted. Good luck!