Sunday, March 7, 2010


In order to keep myself accountable for working out and eating healthier I've decided to blog weekly about my progress. I only have 2 pounds left to go to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight according to my Wii. My goal is to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight before going back to work in 2 weeks which shouldn't be a problem. My ultimate goal is to lose at least 20-25 pounds before June 2011 for my brother's wedding which would get me back to my weight at my wedding 5 years ago. It's so embarassing to say that I've gained 20 lbs. in the past 5 years! Here are my goals for this week:
*Get back into eating regular meals, especially breakfast-lately I eat whatever I can with one hand and most things that can be eaten that way are not so healthy.
*Instead of going back to bed in the mornings after Grace gets up, stay up and workout using the Wii or some of my old school workout videos:)
*Take walks with Madi and Grace on the days it's warm enough.
*Saturday and Sunday mornings will be my days to take a walk or jog by myself and let Dave spend a little time with the girls:)
So, this is my plan, more next week on my progress!


Erin said...

you can do it!!! Good luck!

Vicki Reed said...

I admire your determination & goal setting! I'm so impressed you've already lost almost all your pregnancy wt. You look beautiful to me always. I wish you good luck on meeting these goals! What a great idea to blog your progress weekly! I'm cheering for you!!