Monday, March 8, 2010

Madi's First Ice Fishing Trip

The crew-Dave, my brother Doug, Dave's brother Paul & Superstar Madi
Madi with her cool shades eating lunch
Madi fishing with Uncle Paul & cousin Carter ( I love how relaxed she looks in this picture)
She caught one!!!
Dave with our Godson Carter and their matching hats
Helping Uncle Doug get ready
4-wheeler ride with Uncle Paul
Daddy and Madi with Dave's big catch of the day-a 32" Northern which is now in our freezer:)

Dave took Madi ice fishing with "the guys" yesterday and she had a ball! She told me she wants to go ice fishin again, "maybe on the next day." Now she's looking forward to the next time they go out when she can go on the boat!

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

So cool to get all the cousins together! Interesting that when I spoke to David from St Thomas, I asked him how ice fishing was & he said everybody had a great time, Madi was so excited to go ice fishing, & that the dogs slept very well that night after all that running around on the lake! He never mentioned the huge Northern he caught but did send a picture of it that we got on Jim's blackberry. Congrats to Dave. I loved all the pictures especially Madi's expression when she caught a fish & the one of Dave & Carter & their matching hats. Can't wait to hear "the rest of the story!"