Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy 2 month birthday Gracie

Today is Gracie's 2 month birthday; I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. Gracie is such a sweet little girl. Grace went to the Dr. this past Thursday and had 4 immunizations. She was an unhappy girl that night but otherwise handled her shots very well. Here are her two month stats and a few things about our little sweetie.
Weight: 12 lbs. 8 1/2oz.
Height: 23 3/4 inches
*Grace has slept through the night for the past 3 nights, sleeping from 8pm-5 or 6am.
*Friday she discovered her tounge and stared sticking it in and out of her mouth
*Grace also discovered her hands in the last couple weeks and has started reaching for things
*She is the happiest when she wakes up in the morning and loves the mobile in her crib
*Grace stil gets the hiccups ALL the time
*She LOVES the bath and cries when you take her out of it
*She already is a tv junkie. When she lays on the floor she always turns her head to watch tv and is happy as can be
*When she's fussy and won't go to bed she likes to lay on my chest and be cuddled up with her blanket, puts her to sleep every time.
*I couldn't love her more!

1 comment:

Erin said...

good luck with your first day back at work!