Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Fun

Grace's first Easter, her basket was as big as her!
Fun at the zoo with Cousin Carter, Uncle Paul and Auntie Erin
Our cute little Godson, Carter
Me and my girls at breakfast with the Easter bunny
My amazing little family.
We had a wonderful Easter as usual. We spent Saturday morning with Cousin Carter, Uncle Paul and Auntie Erin at the zoo, enjoying breakfast with the Easter bunny. Later in the afternoon we took Madi to the Y Easter egg hunt then had dinner with Dave's family in the evening. Sunday we got up early to find the Easter bunny had been good to our girls, went to church, made what was supposed to be a quick stop at K-Mart to get in on some double coupon days (that is another story for another day though) and then went on to have brunch with Dave's extended family. From there we made our way to my mom and dad's house where they put on one amazing Easter egg hunt. It was a great weekend spent with alot of great family

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