Wednesday, March 3, 2010

6 weeks and smiley

My happy little Gracie on her 6 week b-day!

It's so hard to belive my little sweetheart is 6 weeks old today. In the last two days she has changed so much; smiling and cooing and doing her precious baby talk which I was attempting to get her to do in the video but had no luck...oh well, her little crying is cute too:)


Erin said...

That video is too cute. Its true, even when they cry, babies are sweet. Mike watched it with me and he started "talking" and waving his arms as soon as Grace started making noise. Babies love babies.

Vicki Reed said...

What a precious video of Gracie responding to your soft voice, Lexie! I see we have another genius grandchild in the family. Able to say "Hi" on cue @ 6 weeks!! I can't wait to get my hands on your sweet little girls!!