Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome 2016

I've always loved New Years.  My type A personality loves the fresh start-a clean house after taking down all the Christmas decorations, new goals, etc. 2015 was an especially difficult year and I've never been so ready to put a year behind me.  Of course we will never forget 2015, but it's time to let go of some of the sadness and focus on all the happy memories instead.  My motto for 2016 is "Make Mom Proud."  I want her to watch over us and be proud of our thoughts, words, and actions. 

We rang in the New Year with my family and had a really nice night.  My dad made an AMAZING meal!  He smoked multiple briskets, racks of ribs, and mac n cheese, and also made my mom's potato salad which turned out perfectly.  If you've never tried smoked macaroni and cheese, I highly recommend it.  Brian, Kaci, Dave, Madi, Grace, and I all made it to midnight and Wyatt only missed it by about a half an hour.  The kids have been asking to spend the night at Papa's house so we spent the night and had a lazy morning lounging on the couch and watching the Tournament of Roses Parade.  I think I woke up this morning still full from last night. 
 A very happy Hannah
 Hattie loved all the noise makers, balloons, etc.
 Dave was happy to start the New Year like this

 Lots of yummy treats

 Belly up to the bar:)  Munching on all the goodies.
 Auntie Kaci and Hannah
 Gracie, we will help you!
 This was the amazing spread my dad prepared.  It was SO GOOD.  We could all eat for the next week with all the leftovers!
 Madi and Hattie
 Wyatt and Hannah lounging on Daddy/Uncle David's lap
 A little Pie Face game-Wyatt LOVES it.

 Apples to Apples with Auntie Kaci and Uncle Brian
 This is what our morning looked like.  Everyone was ever so sleepy.


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