Sunday, January 31, 2016

Made With Love

I've smelled the smell 100s of times in my life; a cake baking in the oven. This time was so much different though, it was me baking the cake instead of my mom. I realized this is the first one of my kids' birthday cakes that I have made.   I ordered Madisyn's birthday cake last year, but this is the first one that I attempted.  The smell of it just evoked all kinds of emotion and my heart felt so full, I knew she was with me because, to me, it couldn't have been more perfect. 
As I wrapped the board to put the cake on, I thought of the MANY late nights she spent baking and decorating cakes with my dad preparing her cake boards and boxes to transport the cakes in. Every cake she made was truly made with love.  It has often made me feel sad that I never took the time to really sit down and have her teach me how to decorate a cake.  She made too many beautiful ones to count.  Turns out she taught me more than I thought.  Thanks mama.

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